Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Inception Movie Review

Okay for starters I warn you, this review will contain many upon many spoilers. So if you don't want the movie "spoiled" I wouldn't suggest reading this until you see it. Which just to let you know, definitely see this movie, its already gotten to #3 of all time on's top 250 list. This movie is amazing, now here come the spoilers. Basically, well not really basically because this movie is not basic in the slightest. Well, the movie begins at the near end of the movie and you have no idea whats going on for about the first 20-30 minutes of this movie so you will have to tough through it. Later on you find out that Cobb, Leonardo DiCaprio's character apparently has some deep inner troubles that begin interfering with his job. His job isn't a normal one though, his job is breaking into peoples peoples dreams mind and stealing amazing idea's right out of their head. Now this is where you start grabbing pieces from the movie to remember for later. Wait a second this isn't even a review...its a synopsis, well I failed at this, but seriously see this movie...its just worth whatever you have to pay to get in. Its worth it! Your brain will be blown... Also you better listen carefully to this movie because some of the lines are really hard to hear and they are pretty important lines. Last, but not least prepare yourself for one of the most hair-pullingly annoying endings! Oh yeah, at the end of every post I gotta post a song. Here is one of my recent faves, its a song called Cyanide by Metallica. Enjoy.

Cyanide by Metallica

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